The Deserter
Andrew Bruce Fisk (September 2012)
The woodland stretched out its welcome to the last of the warriors. The sunlight pierced the protective visor that had guarded his eyes during the wars. Nanotech filaments shifted in configuration to remove the glare. Aestus blinked away the tears. Once more he was shielded from harm.
Aestus shifted his body into motion. He entered the tree line scanning for hazards or opponents. Training modules became active, inserting defensive subroutines, targeting his senses on areas of concealment or sites of potential ambush. For a moment he considered the wisdom of his mission here on this forsaken world. Violence followed him along every step of his journey. He was sure that the bloodletting would continue even out here, beyond the reach of the empire.
He was tired of war.
The glow of the forest canopy enveloped his stark form. The trees radiated health and calm. A quality denied him by imperial battle conditioning. Avian lifeforms scattered in his wake. Their chirps of greeting or alarm failed to sway his focus. He had travelled many parsecs to reach this place. The dangers that had surrounded him for so long troubled him still.
Aestus dreamed of another world. Another time long past when his life had been simple. A world and time without death and grief and the effects of shock. A place where nightmares could not reach.
The bringer of death marched on.
His cybernetic implants informed him he was near his destination. The anxiety he had been suppressing rose to almost overthrow his purpose. Why take the risk? There was another way to end the pain. Simple self annihilation was consider an honorable fate for one such as Aestus. He knew the protocols well. He had a attained a rank and status that entitled him to such a fate. His body screamed for release. Surely it would be better than this?
Aestus cursed his cowardice.
The clearing opened up before him. The broken stonework of an abandoned dwelling was scattered amongst the tangle of roots and undergrowth that covered the floor. Shafts of light broke through to reach him, illuminating his armoured body, exposing him to harm.
He had been born here. He must return to this place to find closure or absolution for his sins.
He had lost his independence here, his family was surely gone, scattered by the actions of the recruitment operatives that had taken him star-wards. There was no one to greet him. This was it. The end of the long road home.
The loner turned to go. His life was complete. Aestus of the Third Imperial Guard Legion began the long walk out of the wilderness.
And then he heard the noise.
His sensors had been screaming at him for some time but his emotions had distracted his attention.
There was a lifeform close by. Hidden from him by a malfunctioning stealth field. Forbidden technology. A threat.
Anger surged through the warrior augmenting combat routines and spurring him forward towards the source of the signals. He leapt back into the lee of the trees that guarded the broken stone structures of his former home. Weapon lock was achieved and Aestus waited for his enemy to reveal its intent.
There were two lifeforms. The clarity of the data continued to improve with every moment. He waited. Sounds of muffled voices reached his auditory centres. Rapidly the sounds were re-processed. Aestus prepared to attack.
Immature. Their voices betraying emotions. Language recognition systems indicated they were pleading for mercy.
In later days he could not account for his actions. years of conditioning would never provide him with an explanation. For in that moment Aestus ceased to be a part of the Imperial Guard. He dropped his defenses and walked forward.
At long last he had rejoined the human race.
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