Friday, January 25, 2013

Being more Agile.

Books take much longer to write than to read. That is an eternal fact. I would like to get potential readers a little more involved in my creative process so that the story becomes more 'real' to more people for longer.

I have been thinking about the concept of being more agile with my writing. Agile Publishing sounds quite interesting. I would publish an interim draft of a chapter or scene, ask for feedback and then based on what is said (And my own judgement of course) amend the section accordingly.

I am going to attempt this with my second draft of 'Children of the Storm.'

If this works I will do it more regularly. If not I won't. It is that simple.

My other idea involves crowd funding. I have some fantastic ideas for content rich e-books. I would have to distill these into a concrete project plan but why not use sites like Kickstarter, Indigogo etc to pitch the idea and find out early whether anyone would want to read them?

It is a challenge to move beyond the point where a writer is creating stories for him or her self and then has to         share his or her vision with the general public. That has always had to be faced at the point of publication. With agile publishing or crowd funding all that is happening is that this point arrives earlier.

So I will give it a go.

If I am any good it might even work hey?

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