Writing is a physical process.
Sometimes it seems that our stories are grabbed out of the ether and piped onto our software package of choice and then onto an appropriate digital destination such as Blogger or an e-bookstore.
Well fine. This is true sometimes...
In fact writer is and has always been a very real and tangible business. Our minds and bodies interact as part of the creative process. The act of writing a word or sentence fragment alters the physical structure of our brains. It effects us. We interact with the world.
I love the physicality of creative writing on another level.
Handwriting is a joy after weeks of staring at computer screens. I work in IT (when I am not fighting goblins, piloting star ships or rescuing beautiful elf princesses) This means I look at a lot of screens. My eyes and hands are often exhausted after a day long battle with the dreaded 'Software.' I have to use a computer for writing. The digital express train needs to run. I have to publish and that means a word processor and blog or e-book converter but there is nothing quite as rewarding as a scratchy Biro and pad of loose paper.
Pen and paper are proven technology.
I am attempting to boost my productivity by getting 'more physical' with my work. I want to write every day. That means I need to have multiple methods of doing so. If I can not type I will hand write. If I find using a pen doesn't get the muse working then out comes the microphone and voice recognition software. I know it all has to be edited. Write and revise but above all write.
So that is the plan. I love creating things this way. Lets hope this method bears fruit?
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