There is always hope. That is something I profoundly believe in.
Today I officially recovered from a long standing health problem. I have suffered from acute stress for a number of years but finally I have turned the corner. I am 'fixed' as they say...
That is to mean that I have learned multiple robust ways of dealing with the pressures present in my life and I should be able to cope with what ever the future is likely to throw in my direction. Good.
So now I can concentrate on other things.
My writing is one of many pastimes that has suffered during the years of my illness. Now I fully intend to get on with it. No more excuses and no more winging. You heard it here!
One thing I have learnt is that each one of us is incredibly strong. We may not always believe this but we all have resources hidden away whether we know it or not. Believe in yourself. I have been threw quite a bit of late. One day I will document these events. I never thought I could survive half to stuff I have put up with but I did. I know other people face a lot worse. Don't give up.
Life is good again. The sun is shining and the grass is pretty green outside on my lawn. There is so much to hope for in this world. For everyone.
I has been a good day. I hope this is true for you too.
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