Sunday, February 26, 2012

Technology as a tool for good in preserving rare languages

I found this article (see link below) heartening.  Too often we hear about how the march of progress is eroding our culture. Here is an example how modern technology is ensuring that  some of the ancient languages of indigenous peoples of our world can be saved.

Have a read.

Hope you feel the same way about it as I did? Words are our tools, let keep as many of them in use as possible...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Will Waterstones stock Amazon Publishing books in future?

I am wondering whether Waterstones will follow Barnes and Noble in their boycott of Amazon's own publishing imprints?

The link below explains a little more about B&Ns latest move, have a read.

As I am UK based and their are strong rumours that the makers of the Nook range of ereaders will be signing a deal with Waterstones I am wondering whether John Daunt will also snub Amazon...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Most (serious) authors write for the right reasons

Well I know what (some) people are saying about the apparent 'gold rush' that so many self publishing authors are embarking on.  Maybe there are wannabe writers out there who's sole motivation is to 'get rich quick' but I am not one of them and I would hazard that there are plenty more folk like me.

I write because it makes me feel happy.

I like to tell stories. I love words. I enjoy conveying an idea across in written form.

To date, I do not believe I have earned a penny from my writing. I hope that will change but I am not in this game for the money.

Yes I have a mortgage and bills so it would be nice to have a financial input from my creative works.

But I would write anyway. I want to be read, and recognised.

Most serious writers think and act as I do. At least every single one I have ever meet or talk to have done so.

The is an innate desire in most human beings to express their feeling to others.  With the advent of ebooks and mass self-publishing this creative drive has found another outlet.  The ebook market relies on 'Do it yourself' authors. Barnes and Noble has 10% of its Bestsellers originating from such people.

The boom may moderate but it will not evaporate completely.

So enjoy writing and reading because that 'is the point' of the exercise, and the best guarantor of success.