Sunday, January 29, 2012

Nook provides essential component to ereader mix

I still love dead tree technology. I want to see innovation in publishing but there is still nothing quite like the feel of paper and the smell of print.

So, with luck, Barnes and Noble will get their 'physical books' selling as well as bringing there Nook ereader to the UK.

The above link gives more information of what B&N are up to but essentially its important to have real bookshops and more competition in the digital market.

I would love to read Nook Books. I think I would rather use something like a Samsung Galaxy Tab or Motorola Xoom Tablet than a Nook device. Hopefully UK and Europe will be prioritised this year... Lets see?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The march of the Droids

Another year and there is another crop of gadgets to rush out and purchase...

From my perspective I would like to see a successful 'open' Android ereader (With a connection to the Android market). There are a number of interesting  prospects on the way. check out the following link

It is about the USA market but UK will follow suit with most of these new beasties I imagine.

If I could watch movies, listen to music, connect to work, play games and read ebooks (and write ebooks if there is a Siri equivalent service available or some form of voice dictation...) on one device i would be over the moon... An I do not want an iPad!

If I find what i want I'll post the details here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is BlackBerry beyond saving?

I hope not. RIM produce some interesting designs even if they lack the third party software support.

The following article suggests a way that the phone maker could improve its position.

I would like to see more smartphone and tablet manufacturers complete with Apple, Google etc. I would like to see a BlackBerry (maybe running Android 4.0) ereading platform.  I may be wishing in vain...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Publishing Industry faces the future

I can imagine a future for Publishing along the line of this excellent article from the Guardian

Some writers find the challenges of self publishing their work daunting and will seek professional assistance. There is always going to room for Publishers to offer their services. Others will be happy to have more control.

Ebooks are a tremendous opportunity for writers and offer great value and choice to readers.  I am excited by the future.

I would also like to find a way to keep the old fashioned independent book shops open. Alas this may prove difficult.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ice Cream based nightmares for Microsoft?

So is Windows 8 the last throw of the dice for Redmond?

The link above goes to a story which talks about some of the problems Microsoft have currently.

I can not answer this question myself. I need a PC to write my books. My employer uses Windows PCs. Its difficult to imagine a world without them really.

But what if Android Tablets had a decent data input / control interface (an advanced version of Apple's Siri for example) and better display technology and processor power then maybe Windows wouldn't be so essential?

I can not believe that the Seattle gang will go without a fight though. Lets wait to see how the new OS sells...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ultrabooks or Tablets

Writing is one thing, getting people to read the finished work is another...

The last few years have seen the advent of the ebook, with the success of reading platforms such as the Kindle and Ipad.

Have a look at this link

Ultrabooks are coming.

In fact they are already available but the full benefit of the touchscreen, camera and voice recognition systems haven't been integrated yet.

I like laptops for the ease of input of information that is possible with them. I also like the idea of a large screen. So maybe I should consider an ultrabook as my next writing device.

But who would read books on a laptop?

As reading devices I do not think they will catch on. In that department ereaders and tablets will beat them hands on.

Lets see if I am right?