Saturday, September 21, 2013

Listening to life in stereo

The world is loud and brash sometimes.

For me, after the operation on my middle ear, this is currently true.

Years ago I noticed that I was not hearing any sound from my left ear. The immediate reaction was that there a blockage. I turned out this was not the case. The bones of my middle ear had fused together. There was no vibration and hence I heard nothing.

The impact on my life from partial hearing has been profound. Everything from not being able to interact with others in the office or down the pub, or simply not hearing stereo music on the radio. I should have done something about this problem years ago.

I didn't.

Why? I am not completely sure. Like many things I did not have full insight into the benefit of getting the issue resolved. I tried a hearing aid as sort of stop gap. That did not work very well. I was afraid of having an operation. There were many things going on in my life. I was fearful of the process that would be followed.

All these worries were needless.

Last Friday (The 13th. I am not superstitious) I went to hospital to have a bone in my middle ear replaced by a prosthetic device. This tiny little piston is now bouncing up and down inside my ear allowing sound waves to be transmitted into the inner ear and on to my brain. The operation was simple and is highly successful.

I have learnt a lesson. I must act early to sort these kind of issues that face me in my life. We all have something that is limiting us needlessly. Most of the time the solution is easier than we imagine with our worst fears. Do not hold back. face the problem and in all likely hood your fears will melt away and your life will be better for it.

And the world is so wonderful loud.

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