Sunday, October 6, 2013

Why do books have to end?

The end is in sight

Actually I had to stop myself from sounding like Winston Churchill. "This is only the end of the beginning not the..."

My book is coming along nicely. I am attempting to write a scene a day. It gives me great pleasure to complete a part of the story jigsaw for each writing session.

I am in love with my characters. I am dreading the point where some of them may end up being 'bumped off'. They are like kids. They run around in my head leaving mayhem in their wake. They don't let me sleep and I am starting to talk to myself in public now... I better get them all written so I can get some peace.

So the third draft of 'The book' will be complete by Christmas (fingers crossed) and the editing will start sometime in the new year.

It is good to see the end post in sight. In reality I won't stop with this story. It go on for a bit longer. There is books 2, 3 and 4 all sitting in my design notepad ready to be implemented. Brilliant. I am looking forward to it all continuing.

And now, back to the book!

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