Thursday, May 9, 2013

Writing makes me stronger

I have just got back from a run and I have found to my delight that many more people have added me to their Google+ circles.

Thank you.

Today was tough. I have been fighting off a stress reaction. I am not sure what has caused it but it this is part of my life at the moment. I must keep fighting.

I have been locked in this kind of mental combat for most of my life. At school, university, in work and looking for work. Stress has been there ready to pounce. It hasn't finished me off and it never will.

Writing helps.

Not just because the creative act releases good chemicals into the body. I have posted about this before. It is because I have to fight hard to get the words onto my computer screen. I have fight even harder to keep going. I know publishing will force me dig even deeper into my reserves of willpower. It will be a struggle but I will get there.

It is the struggling that makes me stronger. This is the reason I keep writing. I want to tell wonderful stories that will allow people to remember me for year to come. If I survive by doing just this then I would be in hog heaven. It isn't the money I want. it is the inner strength. The sense of finishing a race in the knowledge I have done my absolute best. Knowing I am better for trying.

So it is an encouragement to me to know that even more of you wonderful people are now interested in the kind of things I do and say. I hope I can return some of the goodwill and interest you show?

Just keep on going until the race is finished. I won't give up and neither should anyone else.

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