Friday, June 7, 2013

Meditation - Human based technology

I like knowing how things work.

My younger years were spent studying physics and computer science. I love technology. I am looking forward to the new wave of devices based on concepts like 'Google Glass' and the idea of Tablet PCs made from graphene really gets my 'juices going.'

But the human mind is even more fascinating.

How does it all work?

I am learning the ancient art of meditation. I have been studying it for a little while but I have only been applying the lessons in the last three weeks or so. I am discovering that the most powerful tool available to humanity is the mass of bio-electrical network cables that make up the basis of our brains.

Balancing competing priorities such as the need to be analytical with the need for empathy is a fundamental requirement for a successful life. The 'left' and 'right' hand sides of our brains can complement each other wonderfully. It makes my writing come to life. Meditation is powerful. It needs to be handled with great care. It is changing my life, slowly, day by day. I am healing. It will help me succeed with my work.

But I still love the gadgets. I love the science. I love the mixture of contrasting forces that drives me on. The material and the mental.

It would be a bit boring otherwise wouldn't it?

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